Senate Votes with NSA...Disturbing

Gruber Shows Interworking of Govt

Detroit councilman claims racism.
Obamacare website security inadequate?
Why we can't get answers about Benghazi
Hollywood teen beaten/raped by friends.
IRS impliments Obamacare

Healthcare cost expected to skyrocket.
Millions have insurance policies cancelled. Many more millions ahead.

IRS is ObamaCare Biggest Problem
$55,000 hopital bill for appendectomy?

IRS to handle Obamacare
Foreign countries no longer trust US
Italy charges CIA agent and 26 others of kidnapping.

The Downfall of America

Selective Memory

Is the responce to terrorism really the reason for privacy violations?

US violates our Privacy to Protect us

NSA Spying and the Web of Lies

We Lost the Records: The IRS and others conveniently lost file

Obama says spying to continue
Obama not dwell on Snowden
US Forces Down Presidential Plane for Snowden

NSA to Spy inside homes?



Spying on The Associated Press

The United States of Secrets -Must see PBS

Government spying is OK since it protects us ... for the government tells us
Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.
How the government was "allowed" to spy.
How It All Started ... Privacy loss

BENGHAZI - US Ambassador and 3 Americans Killed

It was an anti-muslim tape which caused a riot which caused the attack.
US covering up illegal activities..
What difference does it make?

Who do you want to answer the phone at 3AM if the US has an international incident?

Why NOT to sign up for Obamacare
If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. Period!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period!
We'll have to pass the bill so that you will know what's in it.
Hillary: You can keep your plan.

$55,000 hospital bill – The BIG Scam

USA - Spending our children's future.

The US borrows 40 cents of every dollar spent.
The lessons of Detroit.

Government bailout.




The BLACK area represents the total population of the US (300 million).The WHITE dot in the center represents the total number of US citizens killed by terrorism. Why is the US governmnet spying on us?




America Needs More:

Sharyl Attkisson

Sharyl Attkisson

James Rosen